Sunday, May 28
Leap of Faith
Monday, May 1
There is Sunshine In My Soul Today
It's Monday afternoon and the girls are down for their naps. Oh how I live for nap time. Not only is it good for them, it is GREAT for me. It is those few hours where I can plug myself in and recharge, to ensure I have enough battery to get me through the rest of the day.
I have a thing for Mondays. They didn't used to be my favorite day, in fact they were almost dreaded. I know like to look at them as a fresh start to a new week. A new opportunity to conquer whatever tasks are at hand or picking up any shortcomings from the week prior. And who doesn't like new beginnings?
P usually begins every morning with asking whether it's a school day, gym day, stay at home day or church day. She loves them all equally and is thrilled at what each day has to offer. I love her optimistic outlook on life.
Today was a gym day, followed by her four year old physical. I didn't realize how late in the game I was. Apparently she was due back in November. Better late than never, I guess. She was so brave in anticipation for her shots. She made sure to tell all the gym workers, what lied ahead.
She knew she would get a sticker and a lollipop at the end, followed by a small Target trip. I couldn't help it knowing she was getting four shots, a finger prick and took two shots in the booty only a week ago. She bravely stepped out of the car and continued to take deep breaths the entire appointment. I am starting to realize more and more, we can learn a lot from these little ones. In with the good, out with the bad.
They checked her height, weight, hearing and vision. All around she was as healthy as can be. And seeing where this little one has come from, it was music to my ears. The shots came and went and not a tear was shed. Was she nervous? Oh yes, but she took them like a champ. The MA was fantastic and even gave her a little teddy bear as a constellation prize.
She skipped out of the office, proud it was over with and climbed into the car. We made our way to get some lunch. Food always makes everything better. Especially if it includes cookies and grilled cheese. We decided to sit outside. We couldn't pass up the amazing sunshine and slight breeze. Lucy enjoyed running around chasing the birds and I thoroughly enjoyed my diet coke and tuna fish sandwich. As I was taking in this moments with my mama and my girls, P looks up at me with that cheesy grin of hers and said, "mama, this is the best day ever." There she went again teaching me something new. She choose to see the good in her day, she brushed the bad away and inhaled the beauty that surrounded her.
I simply love this little girl and all that she teaches me. Being her mother is truly one of my biggest blessings as well as Lulu's mama. Instead of fighting the bad in the day, I am really trying to focus on the good. Acknowledging the bad and focussing on the greatness that each day has to offer. We only get each day once and I want to make each one count. Sure I am exhausted most days. Lucy still has a hard time making it through the night. Lately I take that moment when she finds herself in my bed, scoop her into my arms and inhale all that baby goodness that is left in her. I kiss those chubby cheeks and hold her squishy hands. Because I am the lucky one she chose to hold her tight.
I hope my little girls will always know how much I love and treasure being a mama even on those hard days and hey there is nothing food can't fix! Especially on those days were it's a little harder to find the good.
Tuesday, April 25
Spring Has Sprung
Spring is in the air and we are soaking up every last minute of this perfect weather. I have made a conscience effort to get the girls out each day. We have found ourselves at the park, on bike rides, discovering new places around town and getting our hands dirty while we color with side walk chalk in the back yard. The girls and I have been suffering majorly from allergies, but will sacrifice a few sniffles and coughs for the cherished memories that have been made.
One of the highlights of the spring season rolling in, is the strawberry fields full of luscious red strawberries. I have a hard time eating any other strawberry. Nothing seems to compare to the Central Valleys fresh fruit. I knew that I would be making my fruit pizza over the weekend and had to top it off with these gems. I had high hopes the girls would inhale them and boy was I right. They are better than candy.
I wish you could have heard Lucy demanding that I give her a strawberry. From the moment I walked in the door she wouldn't stop hanging on my arm, until I handed her a strawberry.
I don't know if it's the change of weather or change of heart, but we have been doing a major overhaul in our home. Tyson and I cleared through our fridge and pantry and threw away almost all of the sugar. I stopped taking my pre workout and decreased my caffeine intake. We donated clothes from all of our closest and drawers, have been getting the kids down earlier and have made sure to have less screen time, especially before bed. All of these things are still a work in progress, but have made a huge difference.
I am trying to simplify my life in so many ways, but am realizing it's a lot of work to simplify. Kind of an oxymoron if you ask me.... Life seems so incredibly busy and difficult and am doing all I can on my part to let my kiddos enjoy being kids and having a mom who is present, instead of being pulled in a thousand different directions. It means sometimes that I have to say no and am becoming more and more okay with that answer.
I am looking forward to and have been enjoying a slower paced day to day life. I can't wait to take the girls to the zoo and hit up the park as much as possible, before the blazing heat makes its way onto the playground.
Tuesday, April 18
Easter Sunday
Easter Sunday is easily turning into my favorite Holiday. The peace, joy and excitement that surrounds this day means everything. Taking the time to explain to our girls the reason we celebrate Easter was extra special. I was full of all sorts of emotions on Sunday. I am ever grateful for my Savior, for his perfect example and the price he paid that I shall have ever lasting life. I know he lives and celebrate his resurrection.
Mosiah 16:8-9
8 But there is a resurrection, therefore the grave hath no victory, and the sting of death is swallowed up in Christ. 9 He is the light and the life of the world; yea, a light that is endless, that can never be darkened; yea, and also a life which is endless, that there can be no more death.
The weekend was packed full of festivities. The girls had so much fun on their egg hunts. P can't stop talking about finding the golden egg, in which contained a one dollar bill. She pretty much felt on top of the world. The endless amounts of candy consumption and family time was enjoyed by all. We didn't end up getting around to dying easter eggs and half of the things I ordered for their Easter baskets didn't show up, but the girls didn't know the difference and were thrilled with the outcome.
We enjoyed attending our church meetings, naps and more family time and of course more food. Now time to take down the pastel colors and embrace a clean clutter free house.... until the next holiday.
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