Day 5
It is crazy to think that it has been five days since Penelope had her surgery. The time here has gone by surprisingly quick. I know it has been because of the love and support we have felt from our friends and family. I ended up leaving the hospital early this morning to teach my Zumba class. I knew it would be good to get out for a little bit, even though it was so hard to leave P. Tyson was able to stay with her and be by her side while she had another chest x-ray taken. I hurried back as soon as I could. I brought with me two of the stuffed animals others had given Penelope. She beamed as soon as she saw them. Tyson had to go back to work today. I hated seeing him go, but knew it would be good practice for days to come.
The morning started out with Dr. MacDonald coming by to check on Nellie. He said she was still having too much fluid being drained out of her chest tube, for us to even think about her going home. I told him how much she hated one of the medications they had been giving her orally. In the middle of last night she gaged and gaged. I hated seeing her in pain and the tears coming out of her eyes. Dr. MacDonald told the nurses that since she had been eating, they could discontinue the medicine. I was beyond relieved.
My friend/cousin Cascia came by to visit Penelope. She brought the cutest toys with her. It was so nice to have her to talk with and help the time go by. She helped me get Penelope out of her bed to feed her and change her diaper. It takes two people because of all of her IV lines.
The nurse came in the afternoon with the medication Nellie hated in hand. I told her that I had heard the doctors order to have it discontinued. She said she didn't hear that and said we needed to give it to her. I knew that she was going to throw it up. We tried to disguise the medicine in some peaches. She knew and immediately threw up. I again felt terrible. She was covered from head to toe, as was her little bed. It broke my heart.
Cascia was so sweet to help me wash down Penelope and change her sheets. I was still confused why they were making her take the medication. Cascia convinced me to call Dr. MacDonald and check with him. I felt guilty going behind the nurses back, but I wanted to be sure. Dr. MacDonald was so efficient. He was contacted immediately and was on the phone with me in no time. He confirmed that he had ordered the medication to be stopped and said he would be right there. Another nurse came in and changed the dressing on Nellie's incision, soon after Dr. MacDonald came back in and checked on Nellie. It felt good to know of his care and concern for her.
My friend Brooke brought me lunch and Cara brought me nail polish to keep me entertained. It was so nice to get my mind off of the frustrations I had from earlier on in the day. I was able to feed Nellie some baby carrots. She loved them. It did my heart good to see her happy again.
As soon as Tyson got back to the hospital I felt a wave of relief come over me. He makes everything better and knows how to comfort me. Tyson's parents came and brought us yet another delicious meal of corn on the cob, chinese chicken salad, watermelon, and Sequoia cookies and cakes. People have been so good to us.
My all time favorite thing that happened with Nellie happened tonight. We were in the middle of our nightly routine and Tyson leaned into give her a kiss on the lips. Penelope puckered up her tiny little lips and gave her daddy a kiss. It was honestly the cutest thing I have ever seen. I decided to lean in and try for myself. She puckered up and gave me a kiss. I about died. That little girl has me and her daddy wrapped around her finger.
I have loved reading everyones encouraging words. There has not been one that has gone unnoticed or made me feel better. This experience has helped me realize how good others are. It really makes me want to be a better person and show more compassion towards others. I am amazed daily at the goodness of others. I know the prayers that have been said in Nellie's behalf, have been answered. I appreciate them all so much.
I pray tomorrow will be a good day and that Nellie will continue to heal and recover quickly.
she's sitting up so well! go nellie! ezra can't sit up on his own NOR eat solids. poor boy throws everything up. and his new trick? NOT TAKING A BOTTLE. so yeah, he's not eating his pedia-sure OR formula i bought him to help with some added calories. sigh. that boy. anyways, more about penelope...she still looks so happy and adorable. how long are you guys going to be there? my goodness! that's a long time and quite the drive from your house! they better have a comfy bed for you! amanda works in craycroft if you ever need a buddy! love ya nessa!
ReplyDeleteBaby kisses are THE best ever!!! I pretty much tear up every time my little love gives me a rare kissy!