Monday, August 16

Day Five

Yesterday we were able to take the sacrament while being here at the hospital. They also shared a thought with us before they left. It was very touching.

"We long to be close to the Lord, for we know that He loves each of us and desires to encircle us 'eternally in the arms of his love' (2 Nephi 1:15). His touch can heal ailments spiritual, emotional, or physical."
Annie C. Pingree, "To Look, Reach, and Come unto Christ." Ensign, Nov. 2006,113

Last night went great. Kiersten was singing to us and dancing with her arms. She was using the magic wand that Nick bought for her, as her microphone. She had us rolling with laughter. We had tears rolling down our faces. Some of her friends had to walk out because they were laughing so hard. They told us the nurses were out there laughing as well. It was so great to see her moving around and again being so positive. She said it was because she had her party crew with her.

Kiersten is doing well today. It is only morning and she has already walked once. They found a little fluid in her lungs, but the Doctor said having her walk will help flush the fluid out of her lungs.

Her eyes were even wide open for the first time. She has also started eating solid foods.

You are amazing sister girl. Keep up the good fight!

"Some blessings come soon, some come late. And some don't come until heaven. But for those who embrace the Gospel of Jesus Christ, they come. It will be alright in the end. Trust God and believe in good things to come."

"Don't you quit."
"You keep walking."
"You keep trying."
"There is help and happiness ahead."

Elder Holland


  1. Hey Janessa, I found your blog and my heart goes out to you and your family at this time. It sounds like your sister is quite the fighter and she will make it through this trial with her positive attitude and loving family around her. :) We will pray for her to have a good recovery. Jeff and I are looking forward to hanging out with you and Tyson now that we are living in town!
    Talk to you later,
    Ashley Schill

  2. I dont know how I didnt see all your new blog posts until today. Kiersten and your family are in my prayers. She truly is such a strong girl.
